Remote Online Notary
  • Get your documents notarized without leaving your house!
  • Our online service is digital and electronic. During your session, you will electronically sign your document and we will apply an electronic notary seal
  • With remote online notarization (RON), the legal requirement that the signer personally and physically appear before the notary is met by the use of audio-visual electronic communication technology
  • The important role that the notary plays when a statement is made in or a signature executed on a record now occurs remotely over the internet, with a document that is in electronic form
  • Remote online notarization is also called remote notarization, webcam notarization, online notarization or virtual notarization
  • Per recently passed Act 97 and effective October 29, 2020, Pennsylvania made remote online notarization a permanent part of its law
  • To learn more, please click here:  
  • To participate in our meme contest, please click here:

Please note:  We are not attorneys licensed to practice law in this Commonwealth. We are not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration, or charge a fee for those activities

Please submit your name, phone number, email address, and 3 times and dates that would be convenient for you to set up your online notary appointment.